Roger Whitson

- Assistant Professor
- Washington State University, Pullman
- Website:
- Twitter: @rogerwhitson
I graduated in 2008 with a Ph.D. in English at the University of Florida. Since then, I held a Brittain Fellowship at the Georgia Institute of Technology, as an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at Emory University's Digital Scholarship Commons (DiSC), and finally, as an Assistant Professor of 19th Century British and Anglophone Literature at Washington State University. I'm primarily interested in scholarly publishing and social media, especially the ways they connect with the teaching and scholarship of Romantic British poet/artist William Blake. I'm also really interested in visual rhetoric, multimodal composition, digital pedagogy, and comics and graphic novels. I have a HUGE passion for THATCamp, having attended SE last March, Prime in June, and Pedagogy in October. I also wrote a little bit on "Why I Love THATCamp" (