Getting Started With TEI

I should start with a special thanks to Rebecca for suggesting this session — if folks are interested, I would be happy to facilitate a discussion about what TEI is and why you might want to use it to represent research objects in a digital environment.  TEI is the digital archival standard markup language in the Digital Humanities, and a very intellectually satisfying markup language to boot.
If the session goes ahead we will want to have some resources to hand. At the risk of jumping the gun, I am going to go ahead and start a list below.

Learn TEI
What is TEI? (a very gentle intro, if a bit dated)
TEI by Example
TEI Guidelines
TEI-encoded Projects
TEI listserv
Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria
Women Writers Project Encoding Workshops, Brown University/ Northeastern University

Publish Your TEI
TEI Archiving Publishing and Access Service (TAPAS), set for public release in spring 2014.

2 Responses to Getting Started With TEI

  1. I’d be very interested in this – it’s something I’ve been meaning to learn much more about and postponing for too long…

  2. I’d also be interested in this session. We’re just starting to look at Digital Humanities in the library and I know many of the faculty that I work with use TEI.